London Graduate School

Welcome to LGS

The London Graduate School is a doctoral programme, postgraduate seminar and series of events in contemporary critical theory offered in central London and Kingston University. The London Graduate School offers accredited PhD, MPhil and MA by Research degrees, in a richly stimulating and closely supportive environment that brings together world-leading scholars in literature, culture, media, theory, and philosophy, major figures in contemporary art practice, film-making and writing, and ambitious and creative students working at the forefront of their disciplinary and interdisciplinary fields. Students of the London Graduate School enjoy unprecedented access in London to a programme of cutting-edge academic and cultural events.

Laruelle lecture, May 9, 2012: Towards a Philosophy Deemed 'Contemporary'

Monday 23 Apr 2012
Posted in Blog

Laruelle lecture, May 9, 2012: Towards a Philosophy Deemed 'Contemporary'

  • Criticism, Literature, Theory
  • I melt the glass with my forehead
  • Unruly Creatures 2: Creative Revolutions
  • Centre for Research in Modern European Philosophy
  • Film-Philosophy Conference
  • Laruelle in London
  • LGS welcomes applications
  • Paul de Man


Contra Harman’s faith in the transparent singularity and worthiness of notions such as ‘clarity’ and ‘proof’, a non-philosophical approach would contest whether their meaning is singular at all. Do we have a clear and universal concept of ‘clarity’, for example (that would avoid the obvious circularity of the question in its answer)? Harman remains insensitive to the force of such questions, seeing ‘method’ and ‘form’ as issues only concerning effectiveness (in capturing reality) and communicative facility (in convincing others of one’s mastery).

John Mullarkey

Laruelle lecture, May 9, 2012: Towards a Philosophy Deemed ‘Contemporary’

Programmes and Abstracts

Listen to Ken McMullen at the LGS

Posted: Monday 02 Apr 2012
by Simon 0 comments

To hear Professor Ken McMullen (LCC), ‘Immortality and Cinema’, recorded at the Swedenborg on 27th March 2012: click here Ken McMullen is an award-winning film director and artist living currently in London. His feature films are distributed worldwide, his documentaries broadcast extensively and his art works exhibited in leading contemporary art galleries in Europe, The [...]

MA Criticism, Literature, Theory

Posted: Friday 02 Mar 2012
by Simon 0 comments

MA Criticism, Literature, Theory Course overview This MA combines cutting edge theory with critical invention, exploring the cross-disciplinary force of literature as it traverses multiple media. Taught by leading researchers in the field, it provides a context of stimulating seminars and debates designed to foster an extensive grounding in a wide range of theoretical approaches, [...]

Philosophical Screens Wed 25 Apr 18:30 at BFI Southbank (NFT3) Matthieu Potte-Bonneville on L’exercice de l’État (The Minister) (France 2011. Dir Pierre Schöller.     With Olivier Gourmet, Michel Blanc, Zabou Breitman. 115min. EST) Philosophical Screens is a new series, running twice per semester, that invites audiences to explore dialogues between philosophy and film, through [...]


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