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Latest issue of Derrida Today 3.1

Posted: Thursday 17 Jun 2010
by lgs 0 comments

Derrida Today focuses on what Derrida’s thought offers to contemporary debates about politics, society and global affairs. Controversies about power, violence, identity, globalisation, the resurgence of religion, economics and the role of critique all agitate public policy, media dialogue and academic debate. Derrida Today explores how Derridean thought and deconstruction make significant contributions to this debate, and reconsider the terms on which it takes place.

Derrida Today is now inviting papers that deal with the ongoing relevance of Derrida’s work and deconstruction in general to contemporary issues; the way it reconfigures the academic and social protocols and languages by which such issues are defined and discussed, and innovative artistic practices that adopt a “deconstructive” approach to how our contemporary situation can be represented.

(Description via Edinburgh University Press)

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Autumn Highlights: Lectures

Tuesday 06 Sep 2011
Posted in News

6 October 2011 Also Sprach Zapata: Philosophy and Resistance Inaugural Lecture by Howard Caygill Including at reception book launches for two...


  • Allan Stoekl
  • Andrew Benjamin
  • Andrew Hussey
  • Andrzej Warminski
  • Angela McRobbie
  • Barbara Hernstein Smith
  • Catherine Malabou
  • Celine Surprenant
  • Christopher Fynsk
  • David Theo Goldberg
  • David Wills
  • David Wood
  • Derek Attridge
  • Diane Rubenstein
  • Drucilla Cornell
  • Eleni Ikoniadou
  • Elisabeth Bronfen
  • Elissa Marder
  • Ellen Burt
  • Eric Alliez
  • Forbes Morlock
  • Fred Botting
  • Fred Orton
  • Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
  • Geoffrey Bennington
  • George Lipsitz
  • Graham Allen
  • Gregory Ulmer
  • Hager Weslati
  • Hélène Cixous
  • Henry Staten
  • Herman Rapaport
  • Homi K. Bhabha
  • Howard Caygill
  • J. Hillis Miller
  • Jean-Jacques Lecercle
  • Jeremy Gilbert
  • Jo Morra
  • Joanna Callaghan
  • Joanna Hodge
  • Joanna Zylinska
  • John Hutynk
  • John Lechte
  • John Mullarkey
  • John Phillips
  • John Protevi
  • Jonathan Dronsfield
  • Kevin Newmark
  • Lauren Berlant
  • Leslie-Anne Boldt-Irons
  • Mairéad Hanrahan
  • Marc Redfield
  • Marian Hobson
  • Mark Currie
  • Marq Smith
  • Martin Hagglund
  • Martin McQuillan
  • Matthew Pateman
  • Michael J. Shapiro
  • Michael Syrotinski
  • Mick Dillon
  • Nicholas Royle
  • Nick Mansfield
  • Nicole Anderson
  • Obrad Savic
  • Patricia Phillippy
  • Paul Davies
  • Peggy Kamuf
  • Peter Fenves
  • Peter Hallward
  • Peter Nicholls
  • Peter Osborne
  • Quentin Meillassoux
  • Rachel Bowlby
  • Rei Terada
  • Richard Doyle
  • Robert Eaglestone
  • Robert J.C. Young
  • Robert Smith
  • Ronald Bogue
  • Ryan Bishop
  • Samuel Weber
  • Sarah Wood
  • Scott Wilson
  • Sean Gaston
  • Simon Glendinning
  • Simon Morgan Wortham
  • Sir Peter Scott
  • Stella Sandford
  • Stephen Barker
  • Steve Mailloux
  • Thomas Docherty
  • Tom Cohen
  • Tricia Rose
  • Veronique Voruz
  • Werner Hamacher