LGS Blog

LGS 2017 Summer Academy Progamme: ‘1967’

Posted: Tuesday 09 May 2017
by LGS 0 comments

This is the final programme for the 2017 London Graduate School Summer Academy in the Critical Humanities, on the topic of ‘1967’:

Monday 26 June

1pm Registration and Welcome

2pm Michael Naas (DePaul University), ‘The Inside Story of Derrida’s Grammatology

(Reading: Jacques Derrida, Of Grammatology)

4pm Drinks

Tuesday 27 June

11.00-12.30 Reading Groups

1.30pm Peggy Kamuf (University of Southern California), “Future of the Wound: Hélène Cixous’s The First Name of God (1967)’

(Reading: Hélène Cixous, Le Prénom de Dieu)

3.30pm Catherine Malabou (Kingston University, UC Irvine), “arkhè”: “Deconstruction and An-archy”

(Reading: Jacques Derrida, Of Grammatology, ‘Violence and Metaphysics’ in Writing and Difference, also Adieu, Archive Fever)

Wednesday 28 June

11.00-12.30 Reading Groups

1.30pm Elissa Marder (Emory University), ‘Scenes of Writing’

(Reading: Jacques Derrida, ‘Freud and the Scene of Writing” in Writing and Difference)

3.30pm Geoffrey Bennington (Emory University), ‘Ages’

(Reading: Jacques Derrida, Of Grammatology, ‘Of Grammatology as a Positive Science’, ‘Introduction to the Age of Rousseau’, and ‘The Violence of the Letter’)

Thursday June

11.00-12.30 Reading Groups

1.30pm Peg Birmingham (DePaul University), ‘Arendt, Rousseau, Derrida: On Truth and Politics’

(Reading: Hannah Arendt, ‘Truth and Politics’, J-J Rousseau’s Fourth Reverie in Reveries of the Solitary Walker and Derrida’s reading of Rousseau in Of Grammatology)

3.30pm Etienne Balibar (Kingston University, Columbia University), ‘Supplément d’origine: an addition that is a subtraction that is an addition. Derrida’s deconstruction of the transcendental motive in ‘67’

(Reading: Derrida’s reading of Rousseau in Of Grammatology, also Voice and Phenomena)

5pm Close


Reading group sessions, led by Andrew Bevan (CRMEP, Kingston) and Joel White (King’s College London) will be held in the seminar rooms of the French department at UCL on the first floor of Foster Court, UCL, Gower Street. Plenary sessions during the afternoons of Monday 26 and Tuesday 27 June (including registration on the first day) will be held in the Common Ground, Institute of Advanced Studies, Ground Flour, South Wing, Wilkins Building UCL, Gower Street. Plenary sessions during the afternoons of Wednesday 28 and Thursday 29 June will be held in The Watson Lecture Theatre G02, Medawar Building, UCL, Gower Street. These venues are on a single site at UCL.

Reading Group Programme:

Reading Group 1: Joel White

The principal focus for these sessions will be Of Grammatology, ‘Writing before the Letter’:

1.’Writing before the Letter’: the logos, and the debasement of writing (Pheadrus, Theaetetus, in conjunction with Heidegger’s ‘On the concept of the logos” in the Introduction to Being and Time, and Heidegger, ‘Logos’ in Early Greek Thinking, also fragments from Heraclitus.

2. Anthropologies and Histories of writing (that from which Grammatology is formed), Andre Leroi-Gourhan, Gesture and Speech, and I. J. Gelb, A Study of Writing.

3. Husserl and writing as the condition of possible of ideality: Husserl’s Origin of Geometry, Derrida, ‘Genesis and Structure’ in Writing and Difference, and Voice and Phenomena.

Reading Group 2: Andrew Bevan

We will read selected passages from Of Grammatology in light of recent debates around the reception of the 50th anniversary edition and revised translation. For these issues, see Bennington’s article in the LARB (link below), the Butler introduction and Spivak afterword in the 2016 edition of Of Grammatology.

Reading the Grammatology

1. ‘The End of the Book and the Beginning of Writing.’
1997 edition: pp. 6 – 26
2016 edition: pp. 6 – 28

2. ‘Why of the trace?’
1997: pp. 70 – 73
2016: pp. 75 – 79

3. ‘The Exorbitant. Question of Method.’
1997: pp. 157 – 164
2016: pp. 171 – 178



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